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Sports Injuries

A sports injury may involve damage to one or a number of structures; muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons or bones. The severity of the injury can often be assessed...

Respiratory Physio (Chest Physio)

Feeling short of breath? Bounce Physios are specially trained to help people manage and overcome a whole range of respiratory conditions including: Asthma Pneumonia Bronchiectasis Bronchitis COPD Cystic...

Core Stability Exercises

With the increase in popularity of Pilates exercise programs, terms such as core stability have become common language. Most people are aware that core stability has something to...

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is not just a tennis injury! Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondyalgia) is a condition which the tendons in the elbow cause pain on the outside part of...

Golfer’s Elbow

What is Golfer's Elbow?  Golfer's elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation on the inner side of the elbow, where the...

Hip Pain – Gluteal Tendinopathy

If you have been living with pain on the outside of the hip that ‘flares up’ at night, when you get out of a chair or walk up...

Actively Ageing (Balance) Classes

Looking for senior’s exercise in Brisbane? Bardon Monday 2 - 3pm Actively Ageing & Falls Prevention Exercise Classes This class is designed for or over 65s who commonly...

Brisbane Aqua Aerobics

Are you looking for Aqua Aerobics in Brisbane? Brisbane Aqua Aerobics Aqua aerobics, sometimes called hydrotherapy is exercises performed in a specialty swimming pool. Aqua aerobics allows you...

Plantar Fasciopathy / Fasciitis

Do you have pain on the base of your foot or heel and not quite sure what it’s from? There is a chance you have plantar fasciopathy, and...